My first scientific paper has been published! Read it here. Immediate and long-term priming effects are independent of prime awareness Jolien Francken, Simon van Gaal,…
From March-December 2010 I was anĀ intern in the research group of Floris de Lange at the Donders Institute. I carried out two projects: one on…
Veiligheid & privacy: twee kanten van dezelfde medaille In July 2010 I wrote an article for Cimedart, magazine of the Philosophy faculty of the University…
I wrote my Philosophy Master thesis under supervision of Pieter Pekelharing. The thesis has been published in the library of the University of Amsterdam. A…
To get introduced into my philosophical interests, you could listen to this radio broadcast of OBA Live (March 2010) where I talk about one of…
With Amsterdam student’s debating organization happyChaos, we organized a big event called ‘Overvloed’ in the Stadsschouwburg Amsterdam in September 2009. To promote our event and…
In June 2009 I was interviewed for University of Amsterdam’s magazine Folia about my favorite book, film, magazine etc. Here you can find that Folia…
I’m a member of the Amsterdam student debating organization called happyChaos. Here you can find a video impression of a recently organized event, ‘Momentum’, made…
Already when I was a second year Medicine student I was interested in the brain. For that reason I applied to a student assistant research…
Welcome to my website. Here you can find information about me, what I do and what I like. You can find my CV on the…