Psychiatry beyond scientism conference

In January 2015, the ‘Psychiatry beyond scientism’ conference for psychiatrists and philosophers was organized at the Free University in Amsterdam. The three-day conference aimed to investigate the role and nature of knowledge in psychiatry, both as a scientific discipline and as a professional practice. And further, to create a platform for an in-depth philosophical discussion on different forms of theoretical knowledge (e.g. statistical, molecular, genetic, psychological, social) and their interrelatedness, what happens when these forms of knowledge are applied in psychiatric practice, and how they are translated to and received by the general public.
I gave a duo presentation together with Marc Slors on our recent article titled “From Commonsense to Science, and Back: The Use of Cognitive Concepts in Neuroscience”.
The conference was super inspiring because it compelled me to look at familiar topics from different, totally new perspectives.