Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting 2014

As I mentioned earlier on this website, I was selected to participate in The Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting Medicine/Physiology 2014. During the last week or June, 600 students met with 40 Nobel Prize winners to ‘educate, inspire, connect’. The week had an extremely high information density. To start, each of the laureates gave a 30 minute talk during the morning sessions. Subsequently, there were two afternoon sessions for discussion in smaller groups with one of the laureates. During these meetings, I asked Elizabeth Blackburn about telomerase and Torsten Wiesel about his research in the visual cortex. One morning we had a discussion about science and leadership with McKinsey company. The most inspiring moment in the week was the lecture of Oliver Smithies, who truly moved us with his enthusiasm and love for science (you can watch his talk here). Of course part of the week was dedicated to meeting new fellow young researchers, which was really nice and inspiring as well. Altogether, it was an unforgettable week with food for thought for many years.